Co-funded by the European Union


ACE-EX bidrar til omstillingen av det europeiske landbruket ved å integrere prinsippene for sirkulær økonomi for å fremme en bærekraftig og miljøvennlig produksjonsmodell i landbruket. Prosjektet harmonerer perfekt med de europeiske Green Deal-direktivene. Målet er å minimere miljøpåvirkningen, utdanne høyt kvalifiserte eksperter, engasjere seg i kampen mot klimaendringer og fremme miljøvennlig økonomisk vekst. ACE-EX understreker viktigheten av å kontinuerlig oppdatere kompetansen i landbruks- og industrisektoren for å holde tritt med den teknologiske utviklingen og utfordringene som klimaendringene medfører.


ACE-EX opererer i en kontekst der innovasjon i landbruket spiller en avgjørende rolle for å møte utfordringene som følger av klimaendringene og behovet for å beskytte det biologiske mangfoldet. Dagens landbruksproduksjon må utnytte biproduktene fullt ut og krever en overgang til et mer bærekraftig system. Prognosene understreker at det haster med å handle: innen 2050 kan konsekvensene av ikke å endre dagens produksjonsmetoder også føre til at mange liv går tapt hvert år.
Med tanke på de raske teknologiske og klimatiske endringene er det viktig å kontinuerlig oppdatere kompetansen til de som jobber i sektoren. ACE-EX legger vekt på betydningen av sirkulær økonomi, en praksis som landbruket og industrien har sluttet seg til, og som er en drivkraft for yrkesopplæring. ACE-EX opererer i tråd med handlingsplanen for sirkulær økonomi og målene i det europeiske Green Deal-direktivet, som fremmer bærekraftig og respektfull økonomisk vekst.
ACE-EX anerkjenner og tar opp problemene i småbedriftssektoren og fremhever behovet for spesialiserte læreplaner for å gjøre det lettere å ta i bruk sirkulærøkonomipraksis.
Vårt perspektiv fokuserer på viktigheten av å utforme innovative og målrettede fagplaner som fremmer bruk av sirkulær og bærekraftig praksis i bedriftenes daglige virksomhet.


Ace-ex Project

1 week 5 days ago

🌱 The ACE-EX project has just released its Competence Matrix for Circular Economy Experts in Agriculture!

Did you know only 8.7% of European farmers have completed comprehensive agricultural training?

We're changing that! Our international consortium has developed a groundbreaking tool that defines the essential skills needed for circular agriculture at EQF levels 4 and 5.

✅ Available in 8 languages
✅ Covers 9 fundamental areas
✅ Focuses on practical & transversal skills
✅ Designed for training institutions & companies

Want to transform agricultural education and boost sustainable farming practices?

Follow us at

Download the Competence Matrix here:

#CircularAgriculture #SustainableFarming #AgriSkills #ErasmusPlus #CircularEconomy #AgriInnovation #greentransition .
ITS Nuove Tecnologie della Vita Academy
OpenCom Italy
Sostenibilidad Cámara Valencia
Softcare Studios
Střední průmyslová škola chemická a gymnázium Brno
Patrimonio Natural
Fagskolen Innlandet
@Klaster Gospodarki Cyrkularnej i Recyklingu
@Ies Lorca Puebla DE Cazalla
Επιμελητήριο Φθιώτιδας

Ace-ex Project

3 months 4 days ago

📚🌿 Cutting-edge Training for Circular Economy in Agriculture! 🇪🇺

The ACE-EX project aims to train experts in Circular Economy for the agricultural sector. A key element of this goal is the development of innovative and effective training courses.

At the Valencia Design Meeting, we asked Efstathia Koitsanou from the University of Thessaly 🇬🇷 to explain how these courses were designed to meet the sector's needs.

🎥 When asked "How was the ACE-EX training course designed, and what are its most innovative aspects?", Koitsanou replied:
"The ACE-EX training courses were defined after thorough research and reflect the current state of circular economy in Europe. They focus on four fundamental pillars:
1️⃣ Circular economy principles
2️⃣ Entrepreneurial mindset
3️⃣ Circular economy in agriculture
4️⃣ Application of circular economy practices

The courses will be developed for EQF levels 4, 5, and 6, and then adapted into MOOCs for online learning.

The most innovative aspects include:
🎮 A serious game to practice circular economy skills
🕶️ Virtual reality courses for practical examples
💻 MOOCs based on all educational content created by ACE-EX partners"
These innovative approaches reflect ACE-EX's commitment to providing cutting-edge, accessible, and practical training for future Circular Economy experts in agriculture.
#SustainableAgriculture #CircularEconomy #AgriculturalExperts #OnlineTraining #SustainableDevelopment #EuropeanAgriculture #AgriculturalSkills #ProfessionalRecognition #AgriculturalInnovation #RuralSustainability #GreenGrowth #EnvironmentalAwareness #ResponsibleFarming #ClimateChange #CircularFarmBusiness #ResourceConservation #SmartFarming #RuralCommunities #AgriculturalEducation #SectorImprovement #AceExProject #CircularEconomy #SustainableAgricultureEU #VirtualTraining #EQFCertifications
ITS Nuove Tecnologie della Vita Academy
OpenCom Italy
Sostenibilidad Cámara Valencia
Softcare Studios
Střední průmyslová škola chemická, Brno
Patrimonio Natural
Fagskolen Innlandet
@Klaster Gospodarki Cyrkularnej i Recyklingu
@Ies Lorca Puebla DE Cazalla
Επιμελητήριο Φθιώτιδας

Ace-ex Project

3 months 4 days ago

🌱🔄 Defining the Circular Economy Expert in Agriculture: A Crucial Challenge for ACE-EX! 🇪🇺

The ACE-EX project aims to train a new generation of experts capable of implementing a circular economy in the agricultural sector. But what exactly are the necessary skills?

At the Valencia Design Meeting, we posed this fundamental question to Pietro Binelli from Euromasc Norway 🇳🇴, a key partner in developing the project's learning outcomes matrix.

🎥 When asked "Based on the learning outcomes matrix you've developed, what are the key competencies and role of the Circular Economy Expert in Agriculture? And in summary, who is an ACE-EX?", Binelli replied:
"The key competencies of an ACE-EX Expert are varied and depend on the learner's background. Our qualification matrix covers a wide range of skills, from general circular economy principles to technical aspects of agricultural, energy, waste, and water management from an environmental sustainability perspective.
Management is crucial: an ACE-EX Expert must balance environmental and economic sustainability. It's not enough to be 'green'; you also need to be economically sustainable to survive in the long term.
In summary, an ACE-EX is a professional capable of balancing these two fundamental aspects: being primarily 'green', but also thinking in economic terms. This balancing ability defines the essence of an ACE-EX Expert.»

This definition reflects the holistic approach of the ACE-EX project, which aims to train experts capable of leading a truly sustainable transformation in the agricultural sector.
#SustainableAgriculture #CircularEconomy #AgriculturalExperts #OnlineTraining #SustainableDevelopment #EuropeanAgriculture #AgriculturalSkills #ProfessionalRecognition #AgriculturalInnovation #RuralSustainability #GreenGrowth #EnvironmentalAwareness #ResponsibleFarming #ClimateChange #CircularFarmBusiness #ResourceConservation #SmartFarming #RuralCommunities #AgriculturalEducation #SectorImprovement #AceExProject #CircularEconomy #SustainableAgricultureEU #VirtualTraining #eqfcertifications
ITS Nuove Tecnologie della Vita Academy
OpenCom Italy
Sostenibilidad Cámara Valencia
@Ania consumer
Softcare Studios
Střední průmyslová škola chemická, Brno
Patrimonio Natural
Fagskolen Innlandet
Klaster Gospodarki Cyrkularnej i Recyklingu
@Ies Lorca Puebla DE Cazalla
Επιμελητήριο Φθιώτιδας

Ace-ex Project

3 months 5 days ago

🎮🕶️ Technology and Learning: A Revolution in Circular Economy! 🇪🇺

At the ACE-EX project Design Meeting in Valencia, we interviewed Valentino Megale from Softcare Studios 🇮🇹 about the project's innovative training approach.

🎥 When asked "What role do the Serious Game and Virtual Reality play in the ACE-EX project, and why are they important?", Megale replied:

"We want to use digital technologies to support traditional learning methodologies in Circular Economy in two ways: 1️⃣ Developing a serious game accessible by computer, integrating circular economy strategies into a fun and engaging platform. The goal is to make learning more motivating and help students acquire strategic skills transferable to real life. 2️⃣ Creating two virtual reality modules to simulate realistic interactions with circular economy machinery and processes. This allows for remote practical learning, increasing accessibility and enabling students to repeat exercises as needed.»

The ACE-EX project is revolutionizing Circular Economy training, making learning more engaging and effective! 🌱💻

🌐 Follow the ACE-EX project on social media and visit our website to stay updated on this exciting educational revolution! 🍃🔄 🇪🇺
#SustainableAgriculture #CircularEconomy #AgriculturalExperts #OnlineTraining #SustainableDevelopment #EuropeanAgriculture #AgriculturalSkills #ProfessionalRecognition #AgriculturalInnovation #RuralSustainability #GreenGrowth #EnvironmentalAwareness #ResponsibleFarming #ClimateChange #CircularFarmBusiness #ResourceConservation #SmartFarming #RuralCommunities #AgriculturalEducation #SectorImprovement #AceExProject #CircularEconomy #SustainableAgricultureEU #VirtualTraining #EQFCertifications
ITS Nuove Tecnologie della Vita Academy
OpenCom Italy
Sostenibilidad Cámara Valencia
Softcare Studios
Střední průmyslová škola chemická, Brno
Patrimonio Natural
Fagskolen Innlandet
Klaster Gospodarki Cyrkularnej i Recyklingu
@Ies Lorca Puebla DE Cazalla
Επιμελητήριο Φθιώτιδας

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